TONY!! I can't remember if you told me you were moving or not! I generally see you when I've been doing the drink (Other than the last time I saw you in the grociery store - without clown make-up that is...)! Have a good time out there and if/when you stop back in town I wanna hear about ALL the crack dealers and their wacky hijinks! CRACKY! Shawn D! p.s. Your new best friend DOES know how to party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 5:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
TONY!! I can't remember if you told me you were moving or not! I generally see you when I've been doing the drink (Other than the last time I saw you in the grociery store - without clown make-up that is...)! Have a good time out there and if/when you stop back in town I wanna hear about ALL the crack dealers and their wacky hijinks! CRACKY!
Shawn D!
Your new best friend DOES know how to party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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