About Me
- Name: Tony T
- Location: Canyon Country, California, United States
I'm just this guy--you know?
Previous Posts
- Team Manitou getting some advice from coach Johnny T.
- Is it me, or are the national champions getting yo...
- Here we see Mark Matson, Kona mechanic and all-aro...
- Mark on his second lap. Hmmm... must've had troubl...
- Casualty of war. The horror... the h o r r o r
- Is it me, or is Mark getting blurrier?
- Back in Cali
- A view of the Loch outside the cottage I stayed at...
- Our European tech Odi showing his Manitou attitude.
- They are really proud of their bathrooms in Scotland.
At 3:49 PM,
Cornbread said…
Nice sticker. Where did you find it? I'd like to order a few thousand and go around during a Saturday night beer ride and decorate a few thousand SUVs.
At 11:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have to agree with Cornbread, that's an awesome sticker, right up there with ones that say, "This sucks!" I rode my bike bike with my boot on two so I guess both of us are rebels tempting fate huh?
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