From the Top Of The Hill

My butt's planted back in Lincoln. The livin' is easy and friends are aplenty. Life is good.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

There's no dinosaurs in Paris, Texas!

Let me preface this post by fully admitting that I'm a Dork with a capital "D". Not only am I a fan of Pee-Wee Herman, I was once a member of his fan club and issued my own pair of size 60 whitey-tighties. If you don't know, don't ask. Anyhoo, once upon a time best left forgot, three of my friends and I ventured to Padre Island, Texas for spring break. While our time in Padre (approxiamately five hours) might possibly be the lamest spring break trip ever, our journey was filled with laughs and adventure. On the way back to Nebraska my friend Robb and I lobbied for a side trip to Paris, Texas so we could see the large dinosaurs featured in Pee-Wee Herman's Big Adventure. Our proposal was voted down and we later found out the dinosaurs don't actually reside there.

I recently discovered they are located in Califonia, just west of Palm Springs. What luck, I'd be driving there on my trip back to the mother land. I had to stop. I'm proud to report that they are quite impressive in person. I'm sad to report that the gift shop located in the brontosaurus's belly promotes creationism while also selling science kits.


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