From the Top Of The Hill

My butt's planted back in Lincoln. The livin' is easy and friends are aplenty. Life is good.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Another pic from Iraq

My buddy Sam was scouring around Saddam's palace and found this flag stashed in the corner of the TV room. It appears America's favorite despot was a Husker!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Sam's in Baghdad

I just received a couple of emails and photos from my good friend Sam. He's an officer in the Air Force and is currently in Iraq. He just started his 4th deployment to the area. I believe he's been stationed in Kuwait on his previous trips, but this time he's working in one of Saddam Hussein's palaces. He gets to walk around all day with a 9mm strapped to his leg and "drop the kids off at the pool" in gold lined toilets. He said the place is enormous and completely over the top in opulance.

I wish him well and hope for his safe return