From the Top Of The Hill

My butt's planted back in Lincoln. The livin' is easy and friends are aplenty. Life is good.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Photo Hunt

New photo hunt. I'm giving up on trying to find difficult pictures, you're all just too good! Can CVO do it again? Kimber, you're out of this one because we already talked about it. Sorry, babe!

Stop and Smell the Roses

The house I'm living in has the most incredible yard. Everyday is an explosion of new, blooming flowers. Tulips, daffodils, irises, roses, poppies, magnolias and lots of others I don't know the names of. These are photos I took this morning of some of the flowers in our front yard. Also, there's an old glass lantern hanging on the front porch and I noticed a little birdy sitting in it this morning. On closer inspection I discovered three eggs in a nest.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I owe this man $300 and an apology.

This is Rick. He's first and foremost my friend. He's also the greatest co-worker anyone could ask for. He took umbrage at my previous "sales-monkeys" comments and listing Mr.Petersen as my favorite sales guy. I didn't mean to place Matt above Rick, I just place Rick in a different pantheon of Cycle Works employees. He's not just some college kid looking for a cool part-time job, he's working there because he loves bikes and considers everyone at work a friend. I might also add that he's probably the only person at Cycle Works I have yet to see get stressed out or fly off the handle. He's a mentor to us all.

I'm also not entirely convinced that he's not my father. If I wasn't the spitting image of my dad, I'd be asking for a blood test. We're both about the same height. We both love bikes. We have the same unruly mop of helmet hair. If only I had his massive calves.

And don't worry Rick, the final payment for the Karate Monkey is coming.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tony's Photo Hunt gets trickier...

Ok, the last two photo hunt pictures weren't challenging enough, CVO and Pete H. (hey buddy, who the heck are you? Do I know you?) both got the answers right away. So today we're getting a bit more esoteric, except I won't say exactly to whom. Your only hint is if you live in Lincoln and you check out my blog, I'm fairly certain you've been to this location before.

If somebody gets this right away I'm gonna have to start getting really obscure.

Anything But a Blue Monday

My good buddy Todd is back visiting the Motherland from La-La Land. He's been making a name for himself as a comedian and writer out there, and not doing too shabby either. He decided to show the locals how it's done at Duffy's Comedy night last Monday. In the parlance of the stand-up comic, he killed it. And in his own words, he then "killed it a little more for good measure."

In the series of photos you see Todd and I shooting our GI gang signs. MWW - Mid West Whities, Boy-yeeeeee! Next you see Todd in the midst of his blood bath. And finally a picture of the beautiful people I have the pleasure of knowing, Anna, EJ and Michelle. Fine folks one and all.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Tractor Jam!

There was a Sig-Alert Saturday afternoon outside Cycle Works. We had a ten tractor tie-up on The Vine. Delays were up to 30 seconds on the West bound lanes. Traffic slowed by up to 10 seconds on The 27th in both directions. Lincoln traffic updates brought to you on the seven's from the immobile Cycle Works roof-cam.

Somebody from Cali better respond to this one, 'cuz I did it for you.

Tony's Photo Hunt

Here's the next entry. I call it "WAVE OF BABY!" Where in Lincoln is this?

Hey Butch, Mr.Squirrel is still sleeping.

photo credit: Vomitron

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ladies and Gents, I present to you: VOMITRON!

My good friend and co-worker Jerod apparently consumed the bottle marked, "Drink Me."

Uhh... Butch, I don't think it's sleeping.

Found this dead tree rat off the side of the alley behind Cycle Works. I have somewhat of a morbid fascination with taking pictures of dead animals. I do prefer those that have died of natural causes to animals that have been squished by cars. I think this poor fella might have been clipped by a car in the alley and crawled off the road and died. He's only somewhat flat and no innards were visible.

Monday, May 01, 2006

I used to hate this kid.

When Matt Petersen started working at Cycle Works a few years ago, I couldn't stand him. First off, he was a sales-monkey. For those who are unfamiliar with the delicate social structure of the typical bike shop, the salesman is the cobra to the mechanic's mongoose. Riki-Tiki-Tavi.

This kid was arrogant and said some really, really stupid things. But a strange thing occurred while I took my California sabbatical, Matt got cool. My friends back at the shop told me how he had become the funniest guy there. I didn't believe them. But now that I've been back I've discovered that he is the coolest sales-monkey. Now that Zach is back at the Works, he has regained his rightful title of "Funniest Mo-Fo."

This picture is of Matt on his 22nd birthday bar crawl from last Thursday. This was pretty early in the evening and he was already well into it. Zach and I left Matt to celebrate with his classmates and Zach proceeded to get me drunker than I've been in a long time. If you ever go drinking with Zach, take note that you do so at your own risk.

New Game

This object is found somewhere in Lincoln. Anybody know where?