One more trip...
Beds slept in: 41
Number of times I woke up wondering where I was: at least 3
Total miles traveled: 30062
miles driven: 13609
miles flown: 16453
number of times my butt went numb: 27
Countries traveled to: 4
Border Crossings: 4
Number of times I was threatened to be detained by U.S. Border Patrol: 1
Lessoned Learned: 1 (Don't sass the border patrol when he's bustin' your balls)
McDonald's eaten at: ZERO!!!
Bones fractured: 1 little one
Times I actually went for a bike ride: 11
Next I'm off to Vegas. I leave Sunday to set up for the On-Dirt Demo portion of Interbike. I'm sure there will be pictures to share and stories to tell. For now, enjoy some photos from the Nationals in Mammoth, California. The highlight for me had to be letting John Tomac share my tools while he prepped his bike for the Kamikazi -- which he won... again. (For those who aren't familiar with Johnny T., he's sorta the Michael Jordan of mountain biking.)